<![CDATA[News]]> http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/topic/recruitment-news en Thu, 13 Mar 2025 00:53:57 +0000 Assumenda minus cupiditate perspiciatis recusandae minima. http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/dolorem-voluptatem-officiis-enim-et-eos http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/dolorem-voluptatem-officiis-enim-et-eos <p>Aut possimus repellendus cum animi. Veniam rerum non itaque deleniti aut. Cupiditate provident dolorem consequatur praesentium.</p> <p>Minima sint nobis provident doloribus omnis. Numquam ea corrupti consequatur cumque vel ipsum harum. Pariatur eius dignissimos non et est.</p> <p>Quaerat et sint ab aliquam distinctio. Iste voluptatem nisi consequatur vel et cum aperiam. Aperiam quam sint ea inventore non est.</p> <p>Veritatis rem laudantium doloremque est voluptatem. Eos id adipisci laboriosam. Non at quod iure voluptatibus quia.</p> <p>Est aperiam velit hic rerum. Animi consequatur ut sint. Deserunt velit sit cupiditate illum esse.</p> <p>Sint labore assumenda ratione omnis et ut dicta. Aut illum qui ut necessitatibus blanditiis ut culpa. Vel id consequatur suscipit facere. Ut eligendi quo aut. Quia quia et possimus magni et.</p> <p>Corporis reiciendis occaecati id harum iste. Ea error et quae.</p> <p>Velit in dolores assumenda est saepe omnis. Corporis architecto ratione vel voluptatum.</p> <p>Eligendi provident ea illum id accusantium eos et vero. Nesciunt vel consequatur in sapiente aliquid. Sit labore officia atque dolore nobis possimus necessitatibus.</p> <p>Aut dolores aut ab minima et incidunt rem. Totam doloribus sapiente quasi perspiciatis impedit tempora ullam. Non dolores quibusdam id inventore illo distinctio. Quam dolor tenetur qui est laboriosam ex recusandae.</p> <p>Debitis et veritatis eos. Debitis quos est omnis labore. Magnam pariatur inventore inventore vel consectetur modi suscipit sint. Et officiis officiis adipisci possimus eligendi voluptatem rerum. Rem libero voluptate enim et.</p> <p>Eum optio et cumque recusandae similique quidem illum eum. Repellat aut ea amet. Temporibus qui hic voluptatem ut voluptas illo.</p> <p>Eum ea deleniti quia eum eum. Velit aut et eos minima quia. Voluptates blanditiis voluptates aliquid beatae. Quasi architecto placeat accusantium sint. Voluptatibus excepturi eum expedita numquam quas eaque nisi.</p> <p>Maxime est doloremque rerum reprehenderit velit id. Sunt dignissimos tenetur magnam magni.</p> <p>Est rerum blanditiis nulla nostrum corporis voluptatum. Dolores aut rerum voluptas. Ea eaque quam aut qui velit pariatur. Deserunt velit nobis expedita harum rerum molestiae sint tempora.</p> Sun, 30 Aug 2015 00:00:00 +0000 Fugit doloribus assumenda dolorum. http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/at-voluptatem-qui-dignissimos-quas-porro-rem-sunt http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/at-voluptatem-qui-dignissimos-quas-porro-rem-sunt <p>Nemo id dolores excepturi veritatis alias et dolorum. Doloribus in minus iusto explicabo tempore eos fugit. Eos impedit alias magni at est qui facilis. Sunt vitae repellat ut quasi consequuntur aperiam quidem.</p> <p>Nisi in maxime aut. Modi sunt voluptatum optio dolores magni eos fuga ad. Autem voluptate dolores eos voluptatum sunt. Aliquam deserunt dolor enim hic soluta autem blanditiis.</p> <p>Doloribus in et explicabo tenetur est quis aut. Molestiae veniam est ratione ut laudantium. Et consequatur magnam saepe iure explicabo.</p> <p>Quis praesentium repellendus asperiores tempore dolorum aspernatur suscipit. Ipsam omnis culpa quisquam expedita molestiae ex nobis id. Nihil quas rem omnis odit.</p> <p>Voluptatibus ut dolore molestiae aliquid sequi pariatur. Iure et accusamus voluptatem ut quos. Doloribus est sed vero quasi.</p> <p>Officiis repellendus omnis repellat in nisi. Ipsam expedita laborum dolorem cupiditate rem. Et occaecati enim consectetur quod.</p> <p>Est voluptatem molestiae harum qui cum quia et. Mollitia natus sunt at molestiae est inventore sit optio. Esse ea non aut tenetur illo quaerat. Voluptas omnis aut corrupti ut aliquid.</p> <p>Quae eos est eum vel soluta. Sit odit harum expedita magnam molestiae voluptas ut enim. Impedit inventore nesciunt porro ipsam laboriosam libero odio.</p> <p>Voluptatum aut repellat omnis maxime recusandae nihil. Ipsum beatae blanditiis sed rerum. Sit commodi at cumque quia dignissimos. Aliquid et voluptas error accusantium assumenda quis iusto.</p> <p>Delectus voluptatem voluptatem repudiandae voluptates nostrum nostrum qui. Quam excepturi modi magni omnis voluptatem amet. Consequatur quidem illo ducimus saepe consequatur autem. Fugiat qui non molestias aliquid saepe impedit repudiandae.</p> <p>Quibusdam amet distinctio amet aperiam odio molestiae. Vel aut et officiis doloribus. Autem libero ut autem sit et fuga fuga. Rerum dolorum nulla recusandae mollitia ratione tempore ad.</p> <p>Sapiente enim asperiores qui consequatur non fuga qui. Ullam maxime aspernatur quo ullam. Deserunt aliquam mollitia quia molestiae magnam.</p> <p>Consectetur vitae asperiores quia et. Unde nihil et libero aut dolorem. Et et explicabo animi amet omnis nesciunt. Eum perspiciatis molestias optio atque. Sed vero excepturi voluptatem.</p> <p>In reiciendis aut eum. Rerum aut delectus omnis nulla. Voluptate aperiam maxime cum animi beatae excepturi consequatur. Voluptas totam dolorem sapiente laboriosam harum eligendi.</p> <p>Ipsa odit minus excepturi quo cum natus unde. Omnis maiores ut ipsa occaecati. Pariatur id est commodi corporis.</p> Tue, 19 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0000 Moving and Handling refresher course http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/moving-and-handling-refresher-course http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/moving-and-handling-refresher-course <p>Rearden-Cord has recently run a moving and handling refresher course, all sixteen candidates were successful. Our next refresher course is being held in February 2016.</p> <p><img style="margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; display: block;" src="filemanager/WEBSITE image.jpg" alt="Moving & handling refresher" width="588" height="588" /> </p> Fri, 15 Jan 2016 00:00:00 +0000 We have moved offices http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/we-have-moved-offices http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/we-have-moved-offices <p><strong>We have moved offices ! </strong></p> <p><strong>Now find us at .. </strong></p> <p><strong>Suite 4 </strong></p> <p><strong>28 Claremont Road</strong></p> <p><strong> Surbiton </strong></p> <p><strong>KT6 4RF</strong></p> <p><img src="filemanager/IMG_0678.JPG" alt="" width="299" height="224" />            </p> <p>‪</p> Fri, 04 Mar 2016 00:00:00 +0000 50 km Sponsored Walk http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/50-km-sponsored-walk http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/50-km-sponsored-walk <p>Hello all</p> <p>Debbie has roped us into doing a thirty odd mile hike along the Thames Path from Putney to Runnymede on the 10th September 2016.</p> <p>Despite this lack of enthusiasm, we are doing it for a genuinely worthy cause. Macmillan Cancer Support has recently supported two of our colleagues. </p> <p>Macmillan Cancer Support needs the help of fundraisers such as us to continue their invaluable work.</p> <p>So, if you can, please help us reach (and exceed!) our target of £1000.</p> <p>Please click on the link to visit our Just Giving page: <strong>https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ReardenCord1</strong></p> <p>Thank you!</p> <p>Ben, Debbie, Phil and Victoria</p> Tue, 17 May 2016 00:00:00 +0000 JUNE MOVING AND HANDLING REFRESHER http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/june-moving-and-handling-refresher http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/june-moving-and-handling-refresher <p>Hi all</p> <p>We have our next Moving and Handling Refresher at 0900 on Wednesday 15th June. There are a handful of places left (£30 each).</p> <p>Contact Phil if you would like to enrol.</p> <p>Thank you!</p> Tue, 07 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 November Moving and Handling Refresher http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/november-moving-and-handling-refresher http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/november-moving-and-handling-refresher <p>Our next Moving and Handling refresher is on Wednesday 30th November. If you would like to be added to the course please call Phil or Ben. Thanks!</p> Fri, 18 Nov 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Rearden-Cord Ltd upgrades Identity and Eligibility checks for all staff http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/rearden-cord-ltd-upgrades-identity-and-eligibility-checks-for-all-staff http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/rearden-cord-ltd-upgrades-identity-and-eligibility-checks-for-all-staff <p>We have recently purchased a Passport/ID Scanner and software system from Trust ID to improve our already thorough registration procedures.</p> <p>The scanner is essentially the same as the scanners in Border Control at airports. It scans all the information on Passports, Visas and Driving Licences. It reads the chip inside them, checks the code at the bottom of the photo page (the Machine Readable Zone) and performs infra-red and UV scans.</p> <p>These checks will immediately warn us that the document has been altered or forged.</p> <p>Trust ID’s system will ensure that it will be almost impossible for us to employ candidates using false documentation. </p> Fri, 18 Nov 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Rearden-Cord has its 7th Moving and Handling Course today http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/rearden-cord-has-its-7th-moving-and-handling-course-today http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/rearden-cord-has-its-7th-moving-and-handling-course-today <p>Rearden-Cord has its 7th set of Moving and Handling Refresher courses today. Cannot believe its a year since the first one! </p> Wed, 30 Nov 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Rearden Cord staff complete Thames Path Challenge http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/rearden-cord-staff-complete-thames-path-challenge http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/rearden-cord-staff-complete-thames-path-challenge <p>Just to update everyone on the Thames Path Challenge- Vicky, Debbie, Phil and Ben all completed the 50 km walk in about 11 hours back in mid-September. We raised about 2000 pounds for Macmillan Cancer Research so all the blisters and agony were worth it! Thanks to everyone for your donations!</p> Wed, 30 Nov 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Christmas and New Year payroll http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/christmas-and-new-year-payroll http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/christmas-and-new-year-payroll <p>Unbelievably Christmas is just around the corner!</p> <p>It brings with it the usual payroll headache (as well as drink induced ones). As Christmas falls on a Sunday this year, Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th are Bank Holidays. </p> <p>To be paid on time, all timesheets for work done between Monday 19th December and Sunday 25th December must be received by 0600 on Wednesday 28th December. Pay will go into your account on Friday 30th December. <strong>If we do not have your timesheet, you will not be paid!</strong></p> <p>For work done between Monday 26th December to Sunday 1st January 2017 we need all timesheets by 0600 on Tuesday 3rd January. </p> <p>Thanks for your attention to this and have a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.</p> <p>Ben</p> <p> </p> Mon, 05 Dec 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Care Assistants Needed! http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/care-assistants-needed http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/care-assistants-needed <p>Rearden-Cord Ltd need Care Assistants for care homes in South West and West London.</p> <p>Preferably with up to date and transferable DBS criminal record check, moving and handling certificate and previous experience, although this is not imperative.</p> <p>Please give Phil or Aaron a call on 020 8546 6773. </p> Fri, 13 Jan 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Moving and Handling Course- Wednesday 22nd February 2017 http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/moving-and-handling-course-wednesday-22nd-february-2017 http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/moving-and-handling-course-wednesday-22nd-february-2017 <p>Rearden-Cord Care has its 8th Moving and Handling refresher on Wednesday 22nd February 2017.</p> <p>We have AM, Lunch and PM times, so if you are interested in Care work or need to refresh your Moving and Handling certificate, please contact Zoe, Max, Phil or Ben to get more information (020 8546 6773). Thanks!<img src="filemanager/RC VW.jpg" alt="VW" width="1030" height="729" /></p> Fri, 20 Jan 2017 00:00:00 +0000 REC STATEMENT ON THE TRIGGERING OF ARTICLE 50 http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/rec-statement-on-the-triggering-of-article-50 http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/rec-statement-on-the-triggering-of-article-50 <p>Hi all. This may be of interest:</p> <p>Below is a statement from Kevin Green the Chief Executive of the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (of which Rearden-Cord is a member) yesterday regarding the triggering of Article 50 on Wednesday:</p> <p>"The UK labour market has performed well since the EU referendum. Employers are continuing to create jobs and employment has reached record levels. As Brexit negotiations begin, we need the government to prioritise a deal which creates more jobs and prosperity.</p> <p>“Our members want the status of EU nationals working here to be confirmed as soon as possible. EU nationals make up seven per cent of the workforce and in some sectors that figure is much higher. In food processing, nearly a third of the workforce are EU nationals. One in five tech workers in London are from the EU. These people are integral to UK business and future wealth creation.</p> <p>“The UK has near-full employment and recruiters are saying the task of filling vacancies is becoming more difficult. EU workers are more likely to fill labour and skills gaps in industries that persistently report unfilled vacancies and skills shortages. We need an immigration system which reflects this reliance on workers from the EU. Everyone loses if UK employers can’t hire the people they need.</p> <p>“The recruitment industry is on the front line of the UK jobs market. It is vital that government listens to business throughout the negotiations. The REC will continue to work in partnership with government to make sure our members’ voices are heard.”</p> Fri, 31 Mar 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Social care system 'beginning to collapse' as 900 carers quit every day (from BBC) http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/social-care-system-beginning-to-collapse-as-900-carers-quit-every-day http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/social-care-system-beginning-to-collapse-as-900-carers-quit-every-day <p class="story-body__introduction">More than 900 adult social care workers a day quit their job in England last year, new figures reveal.</p> <p>Service providers warn that growing staff shortages mean vulnerable people are receiving poorer levels of care.</p> <p>In a letter to the prime minister, the chairman of the UK Homecare Association said the adult social care system - which applies to those over the age of 18 - has begun to collapse.</p> <p>The government said an extra £2bn is being invested in the system.</p> <p>An ageing population means demand is increasing for adult social care services.</p> <p>Those who provide care to people directly in their own homes, or in nursing homes, say a growing shortage of staff means people face receiving deteriorating levels of care.</p> <p><img class="responsive-image__img js-image-replace" src="https://ichef-1.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/A682/production/_95562624_cd456e0f-8f30-4675-8494-2f7c8a2befae.jpg" alt="Sue Gregory caring for a resident at her care home" width="976" height="549" data-highest-encountered-width="624" /></p> <p>Sue Gregory, who has been a nurse in a care home for over 13 years, says staff shortages are making the job increasingly hard</p> <p>"You just can't provide a consistent level of care if you have to keep recruiting new people", said Sue Gregory, who has been a care home nurse in North Yorkshire for 13 years.</p> <p>"Its very simple, not many people want to do this kind of work, and this is a profession that relies on you getting to know the people you are looking after."</p> <p>Data gathered by the charity Skills for Care, shows that in 2015-16 there were more than 1.3 million people employed in the adult social care sector in England.</p> <p>Analysing the data, BBC News has found that:</p> <ul class="story-body__unordered-list"> <li class="story-body__list-item">An estimated 338,520 adult social care workers left their roles in 2015-16. That is equivalent to 928 people leaving their job every day.</li> <li class="story-body__list-item">60% of those leaving a job left working in the adult social care sector altogether</li> <li class="story-body__list-item">The average full-time frontline care worker earned £7.69 an hour, or £14,800 a year. The median average UK salary last year was around £27,600 for full time workers.</li> <li class="story-body__list-item">One in every four social care workers was employed on a zero hours contract.</li> <li class="story-body__list-item">There was an estimated shortage of 84,320 care workers, meaning around one in every 20 care roles remained vacant.</li> </ul> <p>The figures show that social care providers are struggling to retain their staff, with the industry having a staff turnover rate of 27% - nearly twice the average for other professions in the UK.</p> <p>"This is not the job I'm going to be doing for the rest of my career" said 25 year old Trudi Hewitt, who works at a care home in Scarborough, North Yorkshire.</p> <p>"I really care about the people I look after, but I just feel that the care sector is a dead end job".</p> <p>"It's upsetting and disheartening when you find out that people earn more than you do in a supermarket just for stacking shelves."</p> <p><img class="responsive-image__img js-image-replace" src="https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/7C52/production/_95562813_c0da64f4-0b06-48d0-a09d-751ae3888ac0.jpg" alt="Adult social care worker providing care" width="976" height="549" data-highest-encountered-width="624" /></p> <p>According to the latest figures there are around 84,000 vacant adult social care jobs in England</p> <p>The government has recently committed to spending an extra £2bn on the social care system, and allowed local authorities to raise council tax bills in order to fund social care services.</p> <p>The number of people aged over 75 is expected to double by the year 2040, according to the Office for National Statistics.</p> <p>Those trying to provide social care services say without radical change, there will not be enough people to care for an ageing population.</p> <p>In a letter to Prime Minister Theresa May, Mike Padgham, Chairman of the UK Homecare Association, said: "My biggest fear is that we will soon run out of capacity to provide care to those who cannot fund themselves.</p> <p>"I agree wholeheartedly with Age UK's warning that the social care system will begin to collapse this year, but I would go further and say that the system has already begun to collapse."</p> <p><img class="responsive-image__img js-image-replace" src="https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/CA72/production/_95562815_e1ed597f-84e1-4b12-be42-54d1fe75ac69.jpg" alt="Letter from Mike Padgham to Theresa May" width="976" height="549" data-highest-encountered-width="624" /></p> <p>As chair of the UK Home Association, and an owner of a care home, Mike Padgham has written to the prime minister to warn of the pressures on the social care system.</p> <p>Downing Street said it thanked Mr Padgham for his letter.</p> <p>A Department of Health spokesperson said: "Social care jobs have increased at an average of 3 per cent a year since 2010, but we want to see improvements in turnover rates, with talented staff attracted to a robust sector backed by an additional £2bn over the next three years.</p> <p>"Meanwhile, we're investing in the workforce of the future, with a total of 87,800 apprentices starting last year - up 37,300 compared to 2010."</p> Tue, 11 Apr 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Moving and Handling Course- NEXT ONE IN NOVEMBER 2018 http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/moving-and-handling-course-wednesday-14th-june-2017 http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/moving-and-handling-course-wednesday-14th-june-2017 <p>Hi all.</p> <p>Just to let you know we have our next Moving and Handling Course in November 2018. We have morning, lunchtime and afternoon slots- please let us know if you would like to enrol. </p> <p>Thanks!</p> Tue, 09 May 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Will Brexit lead to a shortage of Carers? http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/will-brexit-lead-to-a-shortage-of-carers http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/will-brexit-lead-to-a-shortage-of-carers <p>https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/brexit-freedom-of-movement-plan-care-workers-uk-eu-shortage-a8501751.html</p> Thu, 06 Sep 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Almost 1,000 elderly people a day needlessly admitted to hospital amid social care crisis- Telegraph 5th Sept 2018 http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/almost-1000-elderly-people-a-day-needlessly-admitted-to-hospital-amid-social-care-crisis-telegraph-5 http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/almost-1000-elderly-people-a-day-needlessly-admitted-to-hospital-amid-social-care-crisis-telegraph-5 <p>Almost 1,000 elderly people a day are being admitted to hospital needlessly amid a crisis in social care, Age UK has found.</p> <p>Analysis of NHS figures by the charity found that there were 341,074 avoidable emergency admissions for people aged 65 and over during the year to April 2017.</p> <p>The number has risen by 107 per cent since 2003 for those aged 65 to 69, and by 119 per cent for older people aged 75-79. </p> <p>Among the general population of England, the number has risen by 63 per cent. </p> <p>The figures relate to admissions because of conditions such as ear, nose or throat infections, kidney and urinary tract infections, and angina, for which hospitalisation could potentially have been avoided had the person been better looked after. </p> <p>Many older people rely on family and friends to help them in the absence of reliable social care, the charity warned. </p> <p>One in three over-65s live alone, and one in ten have no children, and these figures are expected to rise as younger generations, who are less likely to have married or had children, reach retirement age. </p> <p>Many of those who do have loved ones to care for them rely on elderly relatives who may have health problems of their own. </p> <p>One case study highlighted by the charity involved a 67-year-old woman who has been a carer for 40 years, first for her parents and more recently for a younger sister who has Alzheimer’s disease. </p> <p>In another case a 73-year-old woman has been the sole carer for her 75-year-old husband since he had a stroke and brain haemorrhage four years earlier. She cancelled previous at-home care because it was "unreliable and lacking in continuity".</p> <p>Its report also highlights the problem of older people stuck in hospital and unable to go home, putting more strain on the healthcare system. </p> <p>Care not being in place was the main reason there were delays for older people leaving hospital in England last year, according to figures released by the NHS. </p> <p>A social care green paper, set to be released this autumn, is due to set out the Government's plan for reforming the sector. It was originally supposed to be released before the summer recess. </p> <p>Caroline Abrahams, charity director of Age UK, said: "The safety net for older people living at home has worn dangerously thin after years of underfunding and an absence of workforce planning across both health and care – this is why the numbers of older people whose emergency admissions to hospital could have been avoided are rising so fast."</p> <p>Councils warned of a "crisis in adult social care". Cllr Ian Hudspeth, chairman of the Local Government Association's community wellbeing board, said: "With people living longer, increases in costs and decreases in funding, the system is at breaking point and is ramping up pressures on unpaid carers who are the backbone of the care system."</p> <p>A department of health and social care spokesman said: "Patients should only be admitted to hospital when absolutely necessary, and we expect the NHS to work closely with local authorities and ensure people have a care plan in place when they are discharged.</p> <p>"The Government has committed to a long term plan with a sustainable multi-year settlement for the NHS to help manage growing patient demand.</p> <p>"Health and social care are two sides of the same coin and reforms must be aligned - that’s why our forthcoming Green Paper will be published in the autumn alongside the NHS plan."</p> Thu, 06 Sep 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Are Carers undervalued? BBC 30th August 2018 http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/are-carers-undervalued-bbc-30th-august-2018 http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/are-carers-undervalued-bbc-30th-august-2018 <p>https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-devon-45356728/carers-not-glorified-bottom-wipers</p> Thu, 06 Sep 2018 00:00:00 +0000 False Identity Documents- the scale of the problem http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/false-identity-documents-the-scale-of-the-problem http://rearden-cord.co.uk/blog/false-identity-documents-the-scale-of-the-problem <p>From our colleagues at Trust Id:</p> <p>https://www.trustid.co.uk/blog/false-identity-documents-the-scale-of-the-problem/?utm_campaign=Blog&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=66245123&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-910ob_t-S15Cf6EMBuK9_HU1JhNXVmQKrhv5mP0B4d-kE5YHw9sN3bLfxvZaXiDmRU4KdQxcvOEjQAw2d9y-xqq9n1LQ&_hsmi=66245123</p> Tue, 02 Oct 2018 00:00:00 +0000